
VClub dinner at Mariposa - and the debut of V1700 in the US!

VClub dinner at Mariposa - and the debut of V1700 in the US!

As part of our VClub trip to Charlotte around the President's Cup we were able to celebrate the imminent arrival of V1700 on US shores at Mariposa .... and what a night it turned out to be!

Mariposa is a  multicultural culinaria, representing an evolution for both the restaurant space and for creator Jill Marcus who brought the concept to life. A perfect fit for the ethos of what Vergelegen is all about ... shared experiences and understanding of one another's traditions and cultures, and Chef Jonathan Moore has created a menu with a centerpiece of Mezze dishes with a strong leaning to African and Mediterranean dishes..... a particular table favorite being the Peri Peri Chicken which struck a chord with all the South Africans around the table.

This was a perfect setting to showcase the wines... Chardonnay around the bar with some of the International caddies that were having dinner, MMV as an impromptu gift for the birthday party at the table next door and then the GVB & V pairing extremely well across the Mariposa menu. The highlight however was undoubtedly the debut of the only bottle of V1700 that was in the US at the time of the dinner...... and it did not disappoint! It really is next level and the limited supply of this is going to make it a sought after addition to cellars.

If you find yourself in Charlotte, place Mariposa on your list of places to dine. Great vibe, good people and a menu that will make you wanting to go back. 

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1 comment

  • Great restaurant, if you find yourself visiting Charlotte be sure to make a booking.

    Eugene Havemann on

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